Marmor kommt natürlich vor; Er ist ein Stein, der durch seine Form, Details et Farben Aufmerksamkeit errregt. Grâce à l’agencement de Marmorstein, il y a plus d’une technologie unique pour une installation simple, qui se déroule très bien dans des environnements variés, de la décoration jusqu’aux meubles et aux objets de décoration.
Ces techniques peuvent être utilisées pour créer un revêtement esthétique. Gleichzeitig können verschiedene Bearbeitungstechniken in den Den Prozess einbezogen Werden, um den Marmor Widestandsfähig gegen bestimmte Bedingungen zu machen. Hersteller können verschiedene Techniken zur Marmoroberflächenbehandlung nutzen, um die Farbe des Marmors zu ändern et seiner Oberfläche eine bestimmte Form zu verleihen.
What Techniques Are Used in the Marble Surface Processing Process?
Many different techniques can be preferred in marble surface processing stages. Each technique can create different effects on the marble structure. Manufacturers can use various techniques to produce different types of marble and appeal to a certain sense of aesthetics. Polishing, hammering, sandblasting, sanding or flame surface treatment can be given as examples of these techniques. Some marble surface treatment techniques commonly used today are:
● Sandblasting: Sandblasting, also known as Sandblasting, can provide a patterned appearance to the marble surface. For a relatively more textured appearance, companies use the sandblasting method and spray sand grains onto the marble surface with high pressure.
● Polishing: It ensures that the marble has a shiny and smooth surface. Different solutions, chemical or natural liquids can be used during the polishing stage.
● Sanding: Textured sections on the marble surface are removed with electronic sanders. Thus, marble has a smooth and flat surface. Mostly, marble stones are sanded and then polished and prepared for sale.
● Brushing: In this processing technique, the marble surface is brushed with brushes specially produced for the marble surface. After brushing, the marble surface becomes smooth and matte. Brushing also reveals the natural texture of the marble.
● Flaming: In this technique, the marble surface is brought together with a sharply heated flame. The texture and structure of the marble stone in contact with flame reaches a more solid form. Thanks to flaming, marbles can be more durable.
● Hammering: In this process, different pressures are applied to the marble surface to obtain a textured, rough appearance.
Marble stones stand out as aesthetic and fascinating natural stones that are used in many different areas. For this reason, many different types of marble stones are produced. Manufacturers use different surface treatment techniques to meet a wide range of needs. In this regard, some surface treatment techniques create a bright and smooth surface, while others create a matte and textured surface.
Which Surface Treatment Techniques Should Be Used in Which Areas?
You may have questions about which type of marble should be preferred. Because the texture of marbles that have been processed through different surface treatment techniques may be different. You can choose sanded, brushed and polished marble for kitchen countertops. You can also purchase these types for floor coverings. With DH Marble, you can easily access different types of marble that you can use in bathrooms and kitchens.